What triggers your greatest enthusiasm and drive?
You can find out now by identifying your best motivating factors: your personal talents and your needs, whether for structure, freedom, or flexibility. When these elements are in balance, you unlock the energy to do your best work
You know what sparks your energy — Now let’s work with it
Discover how to take ownership of your motivation as an individual or part of a team. Tools and exercises give you a practical plan to engage and maintain your motivation for greater success. Find the motivation program that best fits your situation.
Create and activate powerful teams
Once you know individual motivators, you can create optimal teams. Team leaders and members together can unite their best skills to achieve common goals.
Join a global network of people who ignite purposeful action
Add these powerful resources to your training offerings. Draw from a suite of proven tools and methods to work with individuals and teams, to ignite action toward personal and organizational goals.
Motivation Factor Practitioners and Experts
Learn more about our partners: certified practitioners located worldwide.
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