
Accelerator – Simple, actionable and affordable tools for organizational motivation

Now you can measure and monitor the level of motivation in your teams – and entire organization


“In only one day you can bring team motivation into focus, identify pain points and take action.  At the end of the day you’ll have a practical plan to improve and maintain motivation for greater success..”

The Motivation Factor Accelerator is for leaders who want to boost team motivation and is available either as a full-package event or as a one-day “Train the Trainer” program.
Accelerator provides in-depth insight into a team’s ability to get and stay motivated.

Motivation Factor Accelerator is en one-day workshop, based either the Pin Pointer Pro or the Survey Plus assessment, identifying  your team’s or organization’s:

  • Primary needs
  • Primary talents
  • Intrinsic Motivation score (how intrinsically motivated are you or the team?)
  • Motivation Capability score (how well can you or the team motivate yourselves?)
  • Strategic Connection (how well do you or the team relate to the overall objectives?)
  • Culture and Values – add up to 5 culture and values questions of your own choise.


Learn more about the most effective motivators that increase the added value of your people and your teams. Download and print the 16-page report that scores and details your team’s or organization’s primary motivators — your most significant needs and talents.

organizational motivation tools

Download SP Report Sample in here…

The report also provides you with Motivation Factor Clouds – graphical representations that highlight the most important words relating to your needs and talents.

You can see a Survey Plus report sample here.

Probably the Best HR Investment You Can Make

Focusing on employee motivation is probably the best HR investment you can make.

  • Do you know how to see the correlation between motivation and top-performance in your team?
  • How can you monitor the motivation in your team and organization?
  • How can you be sure that the motivation in a given virtual team is OK?
  • How can you be sure that the level of motivation is high in your management team?

Motivation Factor Survey Plus gives you the answers.

How it Works

survey plus process

Click on the model to enlarge.

The motivation measurement system enables you to monitor levels of motivation in teams, departments and your entire organization. The results are calculated dynamically and immediately. In the dashboard you can change employee references, reports and organizational settings on the fly.

If you only have one team the choice is easy, but if you have divided a group of employees in several teams, you can create a team reports on specific teams, or consolidate the results across several teams, such as teams reporting to the same manager. With your personal login, you can always come back to review the results, or compare reports from previous years to the latest one.

You or your facilitator follows these easy steps:

  1. Invite the employees to fill out the assessment questionnaire. All you need is a name and an email address to invite them.
  2. Create the team structure on the system dashboard. You just click the employees listed to connect them to teams. You can change the references any time
  3. Click on “Get Team Report” or “Get Organization Report”, and the system generates a 16-page PDF report putting your team’s or organization’s primary motivators into words.
  4. Click on “Unlock”, and each employee will receive an auto-generated e-mail with a link to the individual result. You can read more about the individual result here.

Working with the results

Plug and play workshops

The Motivation Factor Accelerator Workshops enables you to take immediate action on the Team’s assessment results. In only one day a Certified Facilitator can facilitate training and exercises – customized to your team’s or organization’s results and situation. You can read more about the Accelerator Workshops here.


The Assessment


The Team Analysis assessment walks the user through 119 questions. The user answers on a scale from 1 to 5 – it only takes about 10 minutes.

The additional questions

Team Analysis enables you to measure how well the team or organization relates to the company’s culture and values. In addition to the standard questionnaire, you can formulate your company’s values in 5 additional questions. Yes, it can be difficult, but our team provides support to assist you in developing questions that best represent your  culture and  values  to precisely customize your questionnaire.
Additional_3You can customize the assessment by adding up to 5 questions of your own. The results of the additional questions will be presented in a separate report.

Survey Plus Dashboard
 – Dynamically updated results are also available in an advanced dashboard. The “Survey Plus Owner” (a Certified MF Practitioner or a Train the Trainer Certified user) can always log into the dashboard to study the results and add team members.

Each Team Analysis is a snapshot. If you want to compare the results and monitor the progress over time, just add a new Team Analysis to the system. The graphics give you at-a-glance confirmation of progress and trends in seconds.




How to Implement Survey Plus 

There are three ways to implement your motivation analysis for your teams and organization

Hold a Team Workshop with a Certified Motivation Factor Practitioner

More About Team Workshops

Hold a Team Analysis Event with a Certified Motivation Factor Practitioner

More About the Full Package Event

Become an Expert Facilitator of Motivation Workshops

More About Train the Trainer Programs

Start using Survey Plus to Align Your Teams and Business Goals.

Let’s Talk

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