Here’s Jane

Here’s Jane!

Jane is a 45 years old American, female, university educated manager – working in the private sector. We’ve decided to call her Jane.


Based on the first 500 completed Motivation Factor Pin Pointer assessments, we have consolidated, crunched and researched the data, to find the typical Pin Pointer user, and right now it’s Jane.


Jane’s top-3 needs are:

  1. Honesty. The need for honesty can mean that Jane feel comfortable in an open, loyal and frank atmosphere. Dishonesty drains her energy and behaviors she dislikes can include lying, not telling the whole truth or being disingenuous.
  2. Personal Power. The need for personal power can mean that Jane want to have an impact on things. Being able to influence her circumstances is most likely crucial for her. She may dislike apathy and will be frustrated by “victims” of circumstance.
  3. To succeed. The need to succeed can mean that setting and reaching goals is an important driver for Jane and a measure of success. When she has a goal, she goes for it. She may feel unfocused without a clear objective.

Jane’s top-3 talents are:

  1. Catalyze. The talent catalyze can mean that Jane have a natural ability to make things happen and she induce other people to take action. She may love to set new initiatives in motion and are always on the lookout for new exciting things to do.
  2. Communicate. The talent communicate can mean that Jane has a natural sense for how to convey information whether by teaching, writing or speaking.  She may have a way with words or just know the best way to convey a message.
  3. Contribute. The talent contribute can mean that Jane love to help and support others. She may feel compelled to contribute to other people’s wellbeing or to a cause.

Motivation Capability On a scale from 1 – 100, Jane’s Motivation Capability Score (How well do you motivate yourself?) is 67

  • She scores highest on the question: “I am good at recognizing other people’s strengths”
  • She scores lowest on the question: “I rarely experience frustrations related to my work”

Intrinsic Motivation On a scale from 1 – 100, Jane’s Intrinsic Motivation Score (How motivated are you?) is 77

  • She scores highest on the question: “My work is meaningful”
  • She scores lowest on the question: “I have clear goals and guidelines”

Interesting to see how Jane’s (or Joe’s) profile will develop over time. Will changes in the state of the market be visible in Jane’s (or Joe’s) motivation factors? We will follow this closely.

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