Team Workshops

Accelerator Team Workshop

In only one day you can bring team motivation into focus, identify pain points and take action.  At the end of the day you’ll have a practical plan to improve and maintain motivation for greater success…

Motivation Factor Accelerator Team Workshops provide full-day event customized for your team or organization, conducted by a Certified Motivation Factor Facilitator.

Focusing on team motivation is probably the best HR investment you can make.

  • Do you know how to see the correlation between motivation and top-performance in your team?
  • How can you monitor the motivation in your team and organization?
  • How can you be sure that the motivation in a given virtual team is OK?
  • How can you be sure that the level of motivation is high in your management team?

Motivation Factor Accelerator gives you the answers.

Three reasons why you should choose the Accelerator Workshop:

  1. One day is all you need! In only one day you can bring motivation into focus, identify pain points and take action. At the end of the day you’ll have a practical plan to improve and maintain motivation for greater success.
  2. Keep it simple! We offer a hands-on, practical solution – free of complicated theories and typologies.
  3. Small investment! Because we can present the results and facilitate the customized workshops in only one day, we can offer the Survey Plus Workshops at a very competitive price.

How we do it:

Your employees will complete the Pin Pointer Pro or Survey Plus assessments and a Certified Motivation Factor Facilitator will present the results and facilitate the exercises for each team based on the actual results.

The agenda for the full-day Accelerator Workshop:

Motivation Factor Methodology

  • Introduction
  • The Hierarchy of Motivation

The team’s result report

  • The Significant Needs
  • The Significant Talents
  • The Intrinsic Motivation
  • The Motivation Capability
  • The Strategic Connection
  • The Highest scoring questions
  • The Lowest scoring questions

The Exercises

  • Need Workshop
  • Need – Behavior Workshop
  • Need – Behavior Action Workshop
  • High Score Questions Impact Workshop
  • Low Score Questions Impact Workshop
  • Low Score Questions Actions Workshop
  • Low Score Questions To Do Workshop
  • Talent Workshop

All workshops – led by a Certified Motivation Factor Facilitator – combines pleanary training and presentations, and group work. The (team-) manager can participate, either in one of the groups or as an observer.

Pricing  |  Find a Certified Practitioner  Survey Plus main page  |  Train the Trainer

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