Survey Plus Individual Result
Survey Plus | Individual Result
We will protect your data. Your individual survey result will only be accessible for you – and you alone.
After completing the Survey Plus, you will not receive your individual result immediately, but when all invited team members has completed the assessment, you will receive a link to your individual result.
Only you will have access to your personal result page. The facilitator and the management will only have access to the anonymized data, and always only for minimum 4 assessments at the time, which is the standard to keep anonymity in surveys like this.
Example: If only 3 team members has completed the assessment in the sales team, the facilitator or the management will be unable to access the team result – and the individual results will never be accessible.
Your personal result page
Your result page will present your individual
- Motivation Capability score (how well do you motivate yourself?)
- Intrinsic Motivation score (how motivated are you?)
- Strategic Connection (how well do you relate to the overall objectives?)
- High Score Questions (Questions you score the highest)
- Low Score Questions (Questions you score the lowest)
- top-5 primary Needs
- top-5 primary Talents
- .. and much more.
Below you can see an example of how your personal result might be presented.
More about Motivation Factor Survey Plus